
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

God and his sense of humour

“Ha ha ha…!” God guffawed loudly, slapping his knee. He had been hard at work since morning painting a spectacular sunrise. His palette was joyful mish mash of brilliant orange, melon red, fushcia pink, azure and every other colour you can think of .It was no easy job creating a sunrise considering that each day had to be different and God had painted some jagagillion sunrises .Today he had finished another masterpiece and sat down to take a break .He sought out his favorite cloud and was sitting on it looking down at a girl complain to her roommate about their colleague at office. The girl knit her brows in frustration and mumbled “why can’t he just mind his own business, the ogre!” Little did she know that the “ogre” whose biggest crime was to help her get settled in a strange city ,would end up being her much loved husband and one day she would thank God for him. Meanwhile God had all this planned out long before she was born and was enjoying her description of her “ogre”.

“My Lord.”God turned round to find an angel stand beside him holding up a tree she had just finished painting with the fall colors. “How does this look?” asked the angel. God looked at it thoughtfully and dabbed a spot of orange on one side of the tree from his own palette. He cocked his head to one side and nodded. “That’s perfect. You are getting pretty good at this, Kalyani.”.Kalyani, a plump round angel with snow white hair and glasses, smiled shyly.” Thank..kk you “ she stammered.

God turned back to his aggravated creation who was by now muttering to herself “Who does he think he is, the sophisticated dude?!!!”.It aggravated her even more so that “ogre” did not expect anything from her in return for his help which was a rather rare characteristic in human beings and according to her made him too good to be true.

God chuckled again.Kalyani looked over His shoulder and said “Who is that, my Lord? “God replied “I made her some time back. I could not find a bolt that fit for her nut and had to let her go without a nut”.The angel exclaimed in horror “You what?!!!....You let her go without a nut?...My lord…she could have created havoc down there. ”.God shrugged and brushed off a few flakes of dandruff from Kalyani’s shoulder which floated down to earth as snow.”Well...she was already late and I have been keeping an eye on her. Apart from a few scrapes she has been getting along fine”.”Ok.So now what is she complaining so loudly about?”asked Kalyani, wrinkling her forehead. God smiled widely and said “I just introduced her better half into her life. And you know how these creatures are….”

“Ok.So where is he?”asked the angel. “There …that tall guy:”, God points with his paint brush.

The angel squints down at the tall boy walking along looking a bit sad. “But he looks so sad and she so glad, My Lord. Are you sure you mean for them both to go together?” God smiles. ”She learnt the tough way that you don’t need a reason to be happy. She will teach him to be happy. Since she does not have a nut I need to give her to someone who does not realize that she misses a nut, and keeps her safe. Her Poppa and Mama have been praying for me to keep her safe”.
The angel thinks this over and says “but, my Lord, don’t they realize that You keep her safe and they don’t need him to keep her safe? “.God smiles again “They do. But you know, they like to see me .So I just put a bit of myself in him and sent him to them. Keeps them happy. “God shrugs again.

The angel shakes her head and says “You do so much for them, my Lord. You paint beautiful skies, sunrises and do they appreciate you…? Huh!!” “Oh ,they do, you know, quite often” God gives a satisfied nod and humming a tune, turns back to design the sunset for the day while Kalyani looks on in mystified silence.

1 comment:

Ikshaa said...

Good Sense of humour:)